Islands. Promptly at 9:45am, we raised anchor and motored out of Gorda Sound. The wind was right and we unrolled the genoa for a downwind reach to Marina Cay - all of 6 miles away. We did not want to overdo it on the first day of our move. At Marina Cay we were lucky and were able to attend the Michael Bean Happy Arrrh Show. Michael does a delightful show based on a pirate theme - What is the middle letter in the pirate alphabet? - aaarrrrh! It is very popularrh in these parts and a great evening
The next day we motored all of 8 miles to the Bight at Norman Island. We were able to pick up our favourite mooring again, right beside a reef. Here, we were able to snorkel off the boat and enjoy some of the best snorkeling we have found in the islands. The variety of fish is incredible. We saw something new on every trip. As we had travelled for two days to get here, we had to rest up for a few days and, of course, we could not travel on Karen's birthday. She received a number of nice e-mail birthday
wishes. It was nice to get news from home.
But after 3 days at Normans, we had the urge to move on. Also the moorings were expensive. At the very early hour of 8:30am, the earliest underway since arriving in BVI, we left for Sopers Hole, again about 6 miles away. There we bought a few groceries, got rid of our trash and checked out. Off we went before noon to Cruz Bay in St. John's to check into the US. Check-in went smoothly and we walked around Cruz Bay a bit. We actually found a grocery store with shelves full of not-dust-covered supplies
and fresh produce. Loaded down with our greens, fruits and vegetables, we headed back to Vagus to move her to an anchorage away from the ferry wakes.
St. John's is mostly National Park. Anchoring is not allowed so we had to take a mooring - this is supposed to keep boats from damaging the coral. We have been at three bays so far and have been disappointed as the coral is mostly dead - maybe from warm water or past hurricanes. It is too bad as it would have been specactular at one time. We have managed to spot some interesting and new-to-us fish, though. At Lameshur Bay a big remora was trying, unsuccessfully, to attach itself to the bottom of
Vagus. At our latest spot, despite the water being a bit cloudy, we have managed to see a 4 foot barracuda who has taken up station under our boat, a 6 foot nurse shark resting on the bottom by our boat and a 2 foot remora trying to attach itself to a green turtle snacking on the grassy bottom - interesting stuff. And before you ask - I'm sure it was not the same remora we saw in Lameshur Bay!
The weather is still partly overcast with occasional showers - not normal "dry" season events. Not great weather but at least it is warm. We have another week before we have to head to a marina and begin prepping Vagus for the trip home - a whole week and 10 miles to cover.
Have a good week!
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